Class Shirt Design: A

Great for up to 300 signatures or typed names.

  Choose any shirt color and any 2 ink colors for this design

Download Signature Sheets for this Design

More School Catalog Information

Use Typed Names Instead of Signatures to help prevent spread of COVID-19

Using typed names instead of signatures can help prevent accidental spread of COVID-19.

Collecting class signatures requires each student to sign the signature page. In order to prevent accidental transmission, we recommend using a typed names list for your order this school year. If your class is studying remotely, it is difficult to find a reasonable way to collect a signature for each student. Even if we were able to collect each individual signature separately, managing individual independent signatures is very time consuming. If you have a special need or idea to help with collecting signatures safely, please let us know. Please give us a call or email your ideas to

Fun examples from last year - Just so you can see other color ideas!